Our Gang

Our Gang
Jason, Deacon, Kennedy, & Me ~ March 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

And Then A Little Blog Was Born

I’ve decided to blog. I need a place to tell our story. I need a spot to post our pictures. I need a way to update everyone. And I need a page we can call “ours” without lots of internet traffic stopping in. And so this little blog was born.
Our not-so-ordinary-life placed us miles away from our God-given family & I’ve gotten bad at keeping up. Telling milestones. Telling stories. Telling about our day. Telling grandparents the important things. I’m blaming it on the time change. Who knew that 3 hours could make me so bad at something. Terrible bad at something.
I’ve also gotten really bad at my own journaling — scrapbooking. I blame that on the kids. Who knew that two small children could take up so much of your time?!? That part was NOT in the parenting books. I hope that this will give me some sort of record to look back on when I resume scrapbooking one day. Some day. Far, far away.
And should I say that 3 people in the past week have told me to. To start blogging. I was easily influenced so I blame it on them.
And so I birthed our blog.


  1. Awesome! I will add you to my blog roll. Mine is at www.myredrubyslippers.blogspot.com

    And I will tell you, I think being on Pacific time is super hard. We've never lived in the same time zone as our families, but it didn't seem hard on the east cost. It was wicked hard on the west coast. Not sure why.

  2. You can follow us on www.furtickfamily.blogspot.com The Furtick Family of 5 will be watching you :)
